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The P90X: Injury Included?

2 Sep

In the past few weeks, dozens of people have asked my opinion about the newest craze in fitness programs: the P90X Workout.   The DVD series includes a yoga program which users were curious to get my expert opinion on.

My answer: My first impression of the program was a good one because it pitches yoga as a challenging addition to your fitness regime.  The program itself works your butt off, as many yoga classes do, but I would caution first-time yogis regardless of fitness level on the potential for injury.

Why? Because the program involves vinyasa or flow components.  Sun salutations (think Chaturanga- Upward Dog-Downward Dog- Repeat) which are  intregral to Ashtanga or Power Yoga styles of yoga are included.  For the yoga newbie these sequences of yoga poses can spell trouble for the body, especially for the shoulders.

Fast forward a few weeks: I’ve now heard from three separate people who have tried the program that they are suffering from various types of yoga-related injuries.   A shame, since yoga can have many positive benefits.

The moral of the story: Learn how to do the poses safetly FIRST with the help of a certified yoga instructor. Develop the strength, body awareness, and mobility it takes to practice each individual posture alone and in sequence.  Afterwards you’ll be ready to tackle P90X Yoga, and other similar yoga programs, safely and effectively.  Don’t and you may end up with more pain than gain.

My greatest fear…

12 Aug

…is that at the end of this life I will have been merely mediocre.

How’s that for an ego?

Don’t judge me. 

Because even yogis need a psych up song

6 Aug

Intrinsic motivation was never my forte.  I have hard days when I need a heavy dose of motivation from someone else.

Some days it’s best to go back to an old fav, tested and true: Van Halen

Don’t judge me.

“Right now is harder than it looks.”

All You Need is Love

25 Jul

When I give myself a physical challenge, the same old self-involved, mental struggle rears its head.  This mental struggle can only be coughed up as my ego taking a heavy pounding.  But as Lance Armstrong once said: “Pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever”. So this past weekend while riding my first century, I dug deep and finished.

Still, while I was complaining for the hundredth time on Sunday that my shoulder/back/ass/knee/stomach hurt, in another part of the world people were grieving. Over the past weekend while I was feeling sorry for myself, Norway was mourning an unimaginable loss. At the time I was riding, I hadn’t heard the news of the Norway massacre. If I had, maybe I would have gone a little easier on myself.

It’s difficult for me to keep things in prospective sometimes.  My ego thinks it’s a big deal, but big deals hit you when you least expect them. True pain and grief can’t be found on a highway shoulder. True grief comes when hate rules.

My heart goes out to the people of Norway.   I can only hope we can keep our faith in humanity and remember Yoga’s first Yama: Ahimsa or non-violence. Whether its to ourselves or someone else, be nice to each other, will ya?

“Our answer is more democracy, more openness, and more humanity – but never naivety.” – Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg


In the “Red Light” Zone

6 Jul

It’s officially true. I suck at time management.

I’ve feared this for some time now, knowing deep in my gut that I had a serious problem.  I recently took a quiz that clearly proved my worse fears.  The quiz was created by the lovely Susi Hately from Functional Synergy to determine a person’s time management skills. Susi offers useful and eye opening business courses and resources geared specifically to yoga entrepreneurs.  This time the eye opener was my score on her time management quiz.

You the know kind: a quick ten item questionnaire where you rank your answers from 0-10, 0 being “I’m so far off the deep end on this item I’m drowning” to 10 being “I rule the school”.   Add up your scores and voilà, you get a score on how proficient you are at time management.

If you do the math, the highest score you can attain is 100. The lowest score is a big fat zero.

Susi provides an overall ranking of how you did with a score of less than 50  being what she calls the dreaded “‘Red light zone’: You’ll want to make some changes quickly or you will continue to struggle.”

My score? 27.

Good. Lord.

To Susi: No, the writing of this blog was not pre-scheduled into my day.  But it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

The irony here is palpable.

Now, what was I supposed to be doing…?

The Oprah Cult

26 May

It’s the end of an era.  After 25 years, boyfriends and husbands everywhere will no longer have to hear the words “I saw this thing on Oprah today…”

I’ll admit, I’m part of the Oprah cult.   Not the crying until your head blows off hysteria shown by some Oprah guests (see SNL skit) but the altruistic, do something that makes your heart sing and does the world good philosophy.

On her final show, Oprah said this:

“What I knew for sure from this experience with you is that we are all called. Everybody has a calling, and your real job in life is to figure out what that is and get about the business of doing it.” -Oprah

I believe  in what Oprah is saying.   So much so, I’ve struggled with depression, self-loathing, and thoughts of suicide in my 30 odd years all because I thought was I was doing was bullshit, an example of doing what’s easiest, not what’s best.  I knew in my bones that life could be about something much better.

But checking out of life and feelings of self-loathing don’t help anyone, least of all yourself.

I’ve turned many pages since and know I’ve found my calling.  My feelings have switched to self confidence and happiness with a sprinkling of self-doubt and fear.  There are still darks days but the difference now is I work to keep my courage up to plug ahead.  Because it’s not the destination that matters but the journey you take to be and do better.

Thank you, Oprah.

Where Did I Come From?

23 May

I am adopted.  But so is Po.

Yoga Ninja Kim (as I am nicknamed – guess that’s another confession) and the coolest panda in movie history have something in common.

The ‘Black Swan’ Effect

9 May

This past weekend I passed a rigorous exam 2.5 years in the making.  I can now add the credentials Internationally-Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor to my name.   When the results were announced, I was proud.   Then came the brutal feedback.   The confidence I had during the day was quickly replaced with something uglier.  You see I’m a perfectionist, and my exam results were less than perfect.  I had expected more of myself and was disappointed I hadn’t met those expectations.  I wanted nothing of the very kind but equally bullshit excuses my examiners were making for my mistakes: nerves and exam inexperience.   I only wanted perfection.

Then the curtain fell on my strong exterior façade.  I’m embarrassed to admit that in front of the examiners, my teacher and peers, I let my guard and showed my Black Swan self.  I told them honestly how I wasn’t actually as happy about passing as I should have been.  In fact, I was incredibly angry at myself for having not been perfect.

In six months I’ll have a second chance to do it all again.   This time I’ll leave my Nina at home.

Sore Loser

28 Apr

I’m competitive.   I hate to loss.

I especially hate to lose when I think my team was the better of the two.   The worst part about being on the wrong side of a loss is when I have to pretend to wish the other team well or console myself with words like “There’s always next year”.  I don’t want to wish the winning team good luck throughout, for example, the rest of the playoffs.   I want to sit with the loss and own my feelings of anguish.  This isn’t me taking things more seriously, I’m simply being open and honest about how I feel.

I’m not going to switch allegiances and jump on another team’s bandwagon.  If my team is out, so am I.

Plus, no one can beat that opening –  It’s hard to get excited for anything less.

Drama Queen

19 Apr

I’ve lived a fairly sheltered life.   Partially by my own doing, partially because I’ve been blessed with good fortune.  I do feel grateful for the lack of Apocalyptic-type events in my life so far.  There are times however when my lack of interest in my own life must get to me so much that I stir up things just to make my life seem more exciting.  [Psychologists weigh in here.]

I’m a bonafide Drama Queen.