Tag Archives: time management

In the “Red Light” Zone

6 Jul

It’s officially true. I suck at time management.

I’ve feared this for some time now, knowing deep in my gut that I had a serious problem.  I recently took a quiz that clearly proved my worse fears.  The quiz was created by the lovely Susi Hately from Functional Synergy to determine a person’s time management skills. Susi offers useful and eye opening business courses and resources geared specifically to yoga entrepreneurs.  This time the eye opener was my score on her time management quiz.

You the know kind: a quick ten item questionnaire where you rank your answers from 0-10, 0 being “I’m so far off the deep end on this item I’m drowning” to 10 being “I rule the school”.   Add up your scores and voilà, you get a score on how proficient you are at time management.

If you do the math, the highest score you can attain is 100. The lowest score is a big fat zero.

Susi provides an overall ranking of how you did with a score of less than 50  being what she calls the dreaded “‘Red light zone’: You’ll want to make some changes quickly or you will continue to struggle.”

My score? 27.

Good. Lord.

To Susi: No, the writing of this blog was not pre-scheduled into my day.  But it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

The irony here is palpable.

Now, what was I supposed to be doing…?