Tag Archives: P90X

The P90X: Injury Included?

2 Sep

In the past few weeks, dozens of people have asked my opinion about the newest craze in fitness programs: the P90X Workout.   The DVD series includes a yoga program which users were curious to get my expert opinion on.

My answer: My first impression of the program was a good one because it pitches yoga as a challenging addition to your fitness regime.  The program itself works your butt off, as many yoga classes do, but I would caution first-time yogis regardless of fitness level on the potential for injury.

Why? Because the program involves vinyasa or flow components.  Sun salutations (think Chaturanga- Upward Dog-Downward Dog- Repeat) which are  intregral to Ashtanga or Power Yoga styles of yoga are included.  For the yoga newbie these sequences of yoga poses can spell trouble for the body, especially for the shoulders.

Fast forward a few weeks: I’ve now heard from three separate people who have tried the program that they are suffering from various types of yoga-related injuries.   A shame, since yoga can have many positive benefits.

The moral of the story: Learn how to do the poses safetly FIRST with the help of a certified yoga instructor. Develop the strength, body awareness, and mobility it takes to practice each individual posture alone and in sequence.  Afterwards you’ll be ready to tackle P90X Yoga, and other similar yoga programs, safely and effectively.  Don’t and you may end up with more pain than gain.