
Let’s play Where’s the yogi?

Guess where this photo from my homepage was taken and have a chance to win a spot in the first workshop from my YogaTheory Workshop Series: Banish Your Back Pain with Yoga.  Life’s too short to be in pain.

Share on Facebook or Twitter to complete your entry.

Good luck!


15 Responses to “Contests”

  1. Dessy Natriza April 4, 2011 at 7:42 pm #

    Do I post the confession here? Ok, here it goes :)),

    Hello, Im a green tea addict.Aside of the fact that I have not explored that many brands of this soothing drink, I have my servings up to 5 cups a day. The latest addiction is a peppermint Green tea jasmine blend. Im not sure if I overdose this (anyone? advise? :)))

    OK, that was one trivial confession 🙂

    The second one, is, Im a scoliosic yogi (meaning, I have
    scoliosis – which is a curvature on the spinal). I had to have a surgery some 20 years ago to fix the curvature & prevent it to go further (so I have a small metal stick attached to my spine. Forever.)My whole upper body was casted, from hips up to the neck for 7 months post surgery & still forced to go to school by my mom (but thank her, I learned how to deal with self-acceptance ~ I mean wearing a body cast that made one looked like a robot to public school was no easy task. Certainly not a hot girl material either.).

    When I first did yoga on my own, my husband would freak out every time I do poses, such as those that have to hold bodyweight like chaturanga or crow.

    …And I teach yoga these past couple of months & none of my students know that.Yet. Not that I am keeping it secret. I just feel that my scoliosis is no big deal. The time to communicate this out is probably when a ‘normal bodied’ student is giving up a slightly challenging pose too soon because she think she couldn’t. Then I will give her a boost by saying, “Look I dont have a normal body- I have scoliosis, but heck I do it anyway & feel balanced than ever! If you wanna get fit, get back to the mat & Stay on the bus! 🙂

    • Kim McNeil Yoga April 11, 2011 at 5:29 pm #

      Share your secret with all your students! It would be a perfect opportunity for you to show your students they don’t need to set limitations for themselves. You’re an example that everyBODY can do yoga one way or another. Be an inspiration to others!

  2. Brooke April 5, 2011 at 5:42 pm #

    I have to confess after quitting figure skating after cracking my tailbone I became addicted to Dr Pepper. It was so bad that often I would drink one a day. It was the only pop I drank and the only source of caffeine in my diet since I only drink herbal caffeine free teas.

    In January I decided to give it up, for the benefit of my health, and start yoga. For the most part I’ve been successful, and I feel a million times better with much more energy now that I have cut so much sugar and caffeine out of my day to day life.

    I have to confess, that every so often I can’t resist and give in to it’s sweet siren’s call.

    • wendy hyman April 7, 2011 at 10:29 pm #

      I am in a process of letting go. Forgiveness. I want to let go of everything that blocks me from being the greatest service.

      • Kim McNeil Yoga April 11, 2011 at 5:29 pm #

        What a wonderful quest! Good luck.

    • Kim McNeil Yoga April 11, 2011 at 5:24 pm #

      Bravo for taking that first big step! The best reward you can get is to feel better physically. I know it was probably tough but as you mentioned, well worh it!

  3. Angela April 11, 2011 at 4:31 pm #

    I confess that I am happy … happier than I ever thought possible.

    Prior to the last three months, I was living the single life. I maintain my belief that a person does not need another individual to complete her. One should never ‘need’ to be with anyone to feel self-worth.

    However, finding that one person has elevated me to new heights. He lightens my heart, my stress load, my tension, my woes and gives me so much more beyond that.

    I recently confessed my love to him and he confessed the same in return.

    It was the most amazing moment I have ever experienced … to feel it so purely through and through.

  4. Pam April 11, 2011 at 6:54 pm #

    Rough contest! Well, confession … I confess I’m uncomfortable confessing on a blog! We’re all imperfect people, and I hope that we come to know that without reminding each other of our own ‘flaws’ or perceived shortcomings (but I still like reading your blog :))

    • Kim McNeil Yoga April 12, 2011 at 5:21 pm #

      Great confession! I agree we focus too much on our own flaws and those of others. I do hope this blog inspires you to share your truths though whether in cyberspace or on a smaller scale. Then perhaps we’ll realize we’re more similar than we seem most days.

  5. Embody Activewear April 11, 2011 at 11:53 pm #

    I would like to confess we are very grateful here at Embody to have met Kim. We love all the great work she has done and is doing in the community!

    Also like to say thanks to all who have confessed so far! It’s not as easy as it looks some times.

    • Kim McNeil Yoga April 12, 2011 at 5:16 pm #

      I agree Allen! I’m lucky to have met such wonderful people as yourself and your wife.

  6. Laura April 28, 2011 at 5:14 pm #

    Okay here it goes. This is a weird confession – and it is totally unhealthy and unnatural (Trust me I know, but its something I have struggled with my entire life).
    I am absolutely 100% obsessed with what people think about me – primarily my legs (thighs to be exact).
    This whole thing started back when I was in junior high. Thank goodness we didn’t have the Facebook lifestyle back that, but we did have trashy magazines and TV shows with the most perfect women gracing them with their presence. As such, I developed a terrible self image loathing behavior. I am constantly concerned about what people are thinking about me – my hair, my face, my clothes, my car. Whatever – it consumes me!
    BUT, the part of me that I am most concerned about is my thighs. I go to extreme lengths to avoid people looking at my thighs and how big (I believe) they are. For instance, while I sit, I balance my weight on my toes so that my thighs don’t touch the chair and thus appear larger. I wear skirts/dresses to cover them up. I rarely wear shorts – in fact I pretty much wear capris the entire summer.
    I have been working so hard to overcome this fear and self loathing. In fact, when I went on a trip post graduation (4 months in the Middle East) whenever I was on a beach (where it was permitted) I wore shorts! This was a big step for me – but my mind seemed okay with it because the chances of ever seeing any of those people again was relatively slim. Now that I am home, I will have to see how this summer goes. It has been winter and I haven’t had to worry about the shorts – but as the weather gets warmer (aside from snowy YYC today) I will see how I do.

    So there you have it. I confessed. I am a self image loather – particularly to my thighs. Weird I know. Bad I know. But! At least I recognize it, right?

    • Kim McNeil Yoga May 3, 2011 at 6:37 pm #

      Hi Laura – Thanks for the honest confession!

      I’ll admit to having felt as you have before, albeit maybe not to the same extent. Here are a few thoughts on the subject now that I’ve come out the other end and joined the group called “I don’t care what others think of me”:

      1. Photos in magazines are Photoshopped to hell, and earlier on the models were airbrushed. None of the pictures are real and honest in their depiction of their subjects.

      2. People aren’t really looking at you as much as you think they are. Frankly, they probably are looking at you at ALL. Thinking they are is very narcissistic. Of course, have you ever thought that if people are looking it may just be because they LIKE what they see?!

      Think about how much ENERGY we waste worrying about such things! Wouldn’t it be better if we could tap into that energy to feel good and enjoy what each moment has to offer instead?

      I say screw the people (if any) who may be looking and judging and start liking yourself with whatever flaws you think you may have. You’ll enjoy life all the more for it.

      • Laura May 4, 2011 at 2:35 pm #

        Thank you so much for the kind words! Everything you said is so true – and I know! The amount of energy I pour into this, I could do much greater things with. Working on it! One day at a time! Thank you for giving me the chance to confess! 🙂

  7. Mer April 28, 2011 at 7:39 pm #

    Today seems as good a day as any to “confess” that ever since my long-term partner moved out exactly one month ago today, I have been secretly hoping he’d show up at my door, heart on his sleeve. I know that nothing would be different, because not much time has passed – but sometimes your heart just isn’t on board with your brain.

    Till this point in my life it seemed like I had a good grasp on things, some control over what was to come – but I have been humbled and come to realize that you won’t know the next chapter of your life until the page gets turned, and that it’s not always you who is going to turn it.

    I have many sad moments, and miss his presence often – but am thankful the universe is giving us both the opportunity to look truthfully at who we are and what we both would like in life. Sometimes it takes leaving to be found again – even when it hurts your very core.

    I am grateful that yoga found me a short three weeks ago – it has helped me experience this time with grace and the strength to get up in the morning even when everything feels too hard to bear.

    “We think that the point is to pass the test or to overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart again. It’s just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen; room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.” – Pema Chodron

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